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Isotopes of Calcium
Notable Isotopes
40Ca [20 neutrons]
Abundance: 96.941%
Stable with 20 neutrons
41Ca [21 neutrons]
Abundance: synthetic
Half life: 1.03 x 105 years [ Electron Capture ]
Decay Energy: ?MeV
Decays to 41K.
41Ca is a radioactive cosmogenic isotope, which has a half-llife of 103,000 years. Unlike cosmogenic isotopes that are produced in the atmosphere, 41Ca is produced by neutron activation of 40Ca. Most of its production is in the upper metre or so of the soil column, where the cosmogenic neutron flux is still sufficiently strong. 41Ca has received much attention in stellar studies because it decays to 41K, a critical indicator of solar-system anomalies.
42Ca [22 neutrons]
Abundance: 0.647%
Stable with 22 neutrons
43Ca [23 neutrons]
Abundance: 0.135%
Stable with 23 neutrons
44Ca [24 neutrons]
Abundance: 2.086%
Stable with 24 neutrons
45Ca [25 neutrons]
Abundance: synthetic
Half life: 162.7 days [ beta- ]
Decay Energy: 0.258MeV
Decays to 45Sc.
46Ca [26 neutrons]
Abundance: 0.004%
Half life: 2.8 x 1015 years [ Double beta decay ]
Decay Energy: ?MeV
Decays to 46Ti.
47Ca [27 neutrons]
Abundance: synthetic
Half life: 4.536 days [ beta- ]
Decay Energy: 0.694, 1.99MeV
Decays to 47Sc.
Half life: 4.536 days [ Gamma Radiation ]
Decay Energy: 1.297MeV
Decays to ?.
48Ca [28 neutrons]
Abundance: 0.187
Half life: 4 x 1019 years [ Double beta decay ]
Decay Energy: ?MeV
Decays to 48Ti.